
Collabortive Communication: The Hard Good Bye

The hardest group of people for me to leave behind in life were my cohorts during undergraduate. I worked closely with the small group of ladies (with the exception of the two gentleman) to develop the skills needed to teach in an elementary classroom. We were together every night from 6-8PM. We shared life stories, families, pitfalls, lesson plans, lunches, and stories. 

The picture below is at our final party before graduation. We got together to exchange contact information, eat and hand out awards. Leaving a group like this behind is hard, but that is how we grow and network in life. I imagine the best way to leave a group as close as this is to exchange information and share in the experiences we have had and will have in the future.


  1. Hi Whitney,
    Great pictures. Graduating from high school, undergraduate, and/or higher graduate is extremely difficult to say good by because life long friendship had been made, struggles with exams and papers had been experienced, and most of all having the opportunity to meet great teachers who are willing to share what they have learned have been met. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  2. Whitney,
    I have had the same experience and sharing that bond with classmates, including understanding what it felt like to work long hours studying or completing projects together on a common goal although for our own reasons and viewed from various perspectives, this connects people in deep ways that make the process of adjourning feel like the end of a lifetime and yet the start of a new. It always seems harder to end working relationships that share a vision and where collective energies are shared. Thank you for also sharing your photos, I can feel the connection and sense of accomplishment just looking at them.

  3. Whitney,
    I completely understand where you are coming from. Working with a group of people so closely and through such a challenging experience requires you to rely on other people. I formed some of my strongest bonds with people from my cohort in college. I'm so lucky to still have their friendship and support today. It is clear from your photos how close of a bond you appear to have with that group.

  4. Whitney,
    I love the pictures and that is such a great experience to share with us! Whitney you guys look so happy!Team building at it's best!

  5. Whitney,
    It has been a great experience getting to know you through the discussion board and your blog posts. Thank you so much for sharing all of you knowledge and understanding regarding the early childhood field and providing insightful comments throughout the course. Best of luck to you as your continue your graduate work!

  6. Hi Whitney,
    I just wanted to take the time to say thank you for all of great discussions and blog postings shared. It has been an educational and inspirational journey in this course, I have learned a lot and look forward to learning more about the early childhood field. I wish you all the best as you continue your journey through out this program for I am sure that our path may be crossed again. Thank you once more for all your knowledge shared.

  7. Whitney,
    This course has inspired me to work at being not only a great leader but also an effective communicator, and that was made possible by being able to discuss and apply new ideas. Thank you for bringing forth your ideas that enhanced my learning allowing me to consider views, ideas, and opinions other than my own that is important in a world that demands successful group process. Best wishes in your specialization and my hope is we meet again.


  8. Whitney,
    I also had an awesome experience with my cohorts during while completing my undergrad. It was great to work the with same people throughout my undergrad experience. I developed some great relationships that I continue to cherish. With regard to ending this class, I would like to personally thank you for sharing your experiences, thoughts, and perspectives as they were crucial in helping me increase my knowledge base. I wish you all the best as your continue your degree program.

  9. Whitney,
    Undergrad for me was bitter sweet! I am glad that you had that experience of bonding with your peers during that awesome time in your life. As for the future I wish
    you much success! Shine like the star you are!
