
If Only...

Imagine that you possess the means and the knowledge to conduct research studies about any topic in the early childhood field. Imagine further that you are not restricted by the reality of the present. Imagine that your study will make a major positive contribution to the well-being of children and/or their families. What topic would you choose? What can you imagine the positive contribution(s) would be?

If I could conduct any research in the early childhood field and had no limitations I would send a researcher into at least 2 centers in each major city to record and observe the types of curriculum that work best and why. Early childhood educators could benefit from a comprehensive study like this because they would then be able to implement a cohesive, well designed and researched curriculum in their classrooms. Families could trust that they were being served with the highest early childhood education possible. 


  1. Hello,

    I like your idea of collaboration among all the major cities. This would allow for individuals to share ideas and come up with new ideas. The saying goes "Two heads are better than one". Maybe this could be feasible if our President were to ordain it and make it a requirement. I think we would all benefit as a nation. Great research idea!

  2. Good idea, this will surely benefit everyone. In fact, one of the reasons for doing research to establish the best approach and this will also be vital in professionalising the industry.

  3. This is a great idea, I think a study like this could be very helpful. Just as school systems vary from state to state early childhood programs vary as well.
