
Reaching Out

Oh My! It is so nerve racking to put yourself out there and reach out to a complete stranger!

This week the assignment is to reach out to another early childhood educator in a different country. The hope is to develop a relationship where we can hold a conversation about current issues and trends in early childhood where ever we are.

Below I would like to include both how I found my contacts and what I decided to write in that first nerve racking email.

I found my first contact through the European Early Childhood Education Research Association. Specifically through one of their special interest groups that meets to discuss equity and respect for diversity. I thought Dr. Rose Drury may be interested in talking with me about the current issues and trends we are both facing in ECE.

My second contact was made through The British Association for Early Childhood Education. Also through a interest group, the London branch, I found the chairperson, Catherine Morris. My hope is that she will also be interested in talking with me.

So now for the hard part....What did I write to introduce myself?

"Hello Dr. Rose,

My name is Whitney Drew and I am a student at Walden University in the United States. As part of our course materials for EDUC-6162-6 Issues and Trends in Early Childhood Education we are asked to develop a relationship with an early childhood educator in another country. Basically it is an ongoing, short,weekly conversation about our experiences in early childhood education issues and how the are different and similar. If you would be interested in working with me please respond as soon as possible. The course is only an 8 week course, correspondence would begin next week.

If you cannot participate please consider if you know of any other early childhood educators that would be willing.

Thank you for your time.

~Whitney Drew

If you have any questions concerning the validity of this assignment please contact my professor Dr. Sylvia Klein at sylvia.klein@waldenu.edu. "


  1. Hi Whitney,

    I can agree that this process of finding someone that will agree to talk with you is nerve racking. I am so worried no one will contact me because they are to busy or they think I am SPAM. I think you did a great job setting up your email and I also like that you added the professors information (if you don't mind I might have to steal that idea!!!) Great post and good luck!

  2. Whitney,

    Great job in finding two people! I know it was hard to write that first email, as it was for myself also. I look forward in learning more about what you learn.


  3. Just like Algeria, I agree your e-mail was nicely set up. Good luck with your contacts. It is exciting to hear about practice outside the US.

